September 2021 IOMFA Players of the Month

Players of the Month September 2021

Canada Life awards for top rated footballers

September’s Canada Life Player of the Month awards were presented at The Bowl last week. Alice Leadbetter-Terris of Castletown (third from right) rated highest for the women, while Shaun Kelly from Ayre United (second from right) was the top man. The Canada Life Young Players both come from Douglas Royal, with Beth Craig (second from left) and Hadyn Waddington (third from left) both performing well for their club. As well as their awards, Canada Life – represented here by Dan Pownall (far left) – gifted the players their Show Racism the Red Card tshirts. Also pictured is Kate McDowell from the Isle of Man Football Association.

IOMFA Players of the Month Sept 2021



IOMFA Mens Players of the Month Sept 2021 


Canada Life International and the Isle of Man Football Association are going red in support of the charity, Show Racism the Red Card. The charity, which was established in 1996, is the UK’s largest anti-racism educational charity. 

Canada Life recently held a worldwide seminar, part of its Black History Month activities, where the charity’s founder – former Newcastle Goalkeeper Shaka Hislop – spoke about his experiences of racism in English football. Colleagues from Canada Life watched the event online with staff from the IOMFA at The Bowl, which led to further discussion about equality and diversity within Manx football.

The IOMFA will be releasing findings from its Equality, Diversity and Inclusion survey, which was conducted online earlier this year, in the next few weeks.